School-wide empowerment programs supported by collaborative community members are at the foundation of building hope in kids! Our programs are purposeful and strategic, yet their success depends the individual volunteer’s commitment to care about kids! Consistency and intentionality are keys to success.
Great Programs and Great People make the difference - One will not work without the other!
Ideally, a community’s relationship with the school will allow them to be supportive in ways the school itself identifies. But this is what we know. Every child matters, and the strength of what we do lies in equipping them as a whole to change their attitudes and action. This culture building involves a comprehensive mix of engaging programs and activities.
The following structure serves as an outline, perhaps even a shopping list. Essential portions of the programming are marked with an asterisk (*). A program summary provides a fuller description.
- Leadership Academy (*)
- Transformation Weekend
- News Crew
- School-Wide Engagement (*)
- Academics
- Trips, Events, & More